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Fundraising Events

The Stronger Together Foundation relies heavily on fundraising efforts and events each year to make the programs financially accessible to families. It is important that our Foundation community engage in our fundraising efforts to ensure we are able to continue to offer and expand our services from year to year. ​

The support of our community will assist us to provide programs that support children with a developmental delay or neurodivergent needs to reach their potential.

Support during early childhood is crucial in ensuring children meet their developmental potential. However, the costs associated with high quality services can be difficult for families. Supporting the Stronger Together Foundation will ensure local families are able to access vital, quality services for their child.

Our events:

  • Golf Day
  • Celebrating Neurodiversity in April
  • Ladies event
  • City to Surf
  • Christmas raffle
  • EOFY appeal

Our Latest Events

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2024 Stronger Together Conference

Tickets are now available for the 2024 Stronger Together Conference! The conference is a space where parents and carers from our local community can build meaningful connections with others, have

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