July School Holiday SibWorks Program

Thanks to CommBank Staff Foundation and Hills Shire ClubGRANTS, the Stronger Together Foundation was able to run a SibWorks program during the July school holidays. SibWorks is a peer support program for children aged 8-12, who have a brother or sister with disability. Created by Siblings Australia founder, Kate Strohm, in conjunction with psychologist Monique Nesa, the program is designed to support siblings by building their emotional wellbeing and resilience, and connecting with others who share the same experience.

We love being able to provide this service, and it was wonderful to see the children having such a great time!

What parents are saying:

“I thought it was great. I think it’s amazing (and appreciate greatly) that it was a funded program as I feel sibling carers are overlooked and there isn’t much out there.”

“I liked that it was a small group of children, all around her age so she felt understood by people her own age.”

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2024 Stronger Together Conference

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